[wp-hackers] next day's post / previous days post

Mark Shields marks at ibbsonline.com
Mon Jun 28 19:03:25 UTC 2004

Getting Internal Server Errors when i try that.  Going to contact my 

Alex wrote:

>and there is also
>On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 11:50:26 -0400, Carthik Sharma <carthik at gmail.com> wrote:
>>A google search containing .htaccess and the line i referenced might help.
>>This , http://www.phpbuilder.com/tips/item.php?id=79&print_mode=1 , is
>>one of the results.
>>On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 10:27:27 -0400, Mark Shields <marks at ibbsonline.com> wrote:
>>>Added it and it doesn't work.  I put a copy in my root (/www) and even
>>>in the beta folder.  Did a straight copy.  File is named .htaccess.
>>>Carthik Sharma wrote:
>>>>>I wish my webhost did PHP syntax highlighting :(
>>>>You can use .htaccess to highlight your php code (ain't the .htaccess
>>>>quite handy?)
>>>>Add the following line to your .htaccess file :
>>>>AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
>>>>On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 08:56:52 -0400, Mark Shields <marks at ibbsonline.com> wrote:
>>>>>You can still get the original version from
>>>>>http://technicallyincorrect.org/index.php?p=92.   I would highly
>>>>>recommend you do not use it though, as it is riddled with bugs, missing
>>>>>features, and the like.  I am in the process of rewriting it, and am
>>>>>nearly finished, but I have hit a wall.  When I call the_category() with
>>>>>or without paremeters I always receive an SQL error and a PHP warning.
>>>>>I filed a bug report
>>>>>about 3 days ago, but nobody has responded yet.  It only occurs in
>>>>>versions higher than 1.2-mingus though, so if you are using 1.2-mingus
>>>>>you can safely use it.  Thus I have not released it to public yet, but
>>>>>if you would like you can download it at
>>>>>.  I wish my webhost did PHP syntax highlighting :(
>>>>>scriptygoddess wrote:
>>>>>>I've got most of the plugin I needed done here:
>>>>>>but because I'm relying on getting that current archive page via the
>>>>>>"$_GET['m'] - obviously, with permalinks, it's not working...
>>>>>>Mark - I take it combined with your plugin, I could get that data with
>>>>>>just $m? Where is your breadcrumb plugin?
>>>>>>Matt - YES! That's where I saw it!! LOL! That's really weird that it's
>>>>>>in the readme and nowhere in the documentation on the wiki or
>>>>>>wordpress.org sites.
>>>>>>On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 08:42:32 -0400, Mark Shields <marks at ibbsonline.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>I can help with that.  The breadcrumb plugin I (re-)wrote uses $p, $cat,
>>>>>>>$author, $m, $s.  It also uses $single to detect if you're viewing a
>>>>>>>single post (that was added by Laughing Lizard, but isn't actually a
>>>>>>>variable value you can change via $_GET, so my point is moot).
>>>>>>>The $cat returns the category ID (which does correspond to the category
>>>>>>>name, description, etc.).  $p  returns the post ID (which corresponds to
>>>>>>>the post name, etc.).  $author and $m return pretty much the same.  $s
>>>>>>>returns a search string.
>>>>>>>scriptygoddess wrote:
>>>>>>>>Unfortunately no. While I can't find the documentation, I played
>>>>>>>>around with it... maybe someone can just verify my assumptions about
>>>>>>>>the query strings?
>>>>>>>>?p= will show the postid
>>>>>>>>?m= will always show an archive page in the following manner
>>>>>>>>?m=YYYY (year archive for YYYY year)
>>>>>>>>?m=YYYYMM (month archive...)
>>>>>>>>?m=YYYYMMDD (day archive...)
>>>>>>>>(Is there any other combinations for the ?m= query string?)
>>>>>>>>What other query strings are there?
>>>>>>>>The template page talks about a cat querystring ?cat=
>>>>>>>>I think that just takes a number (which corresponds to the id of the
>>>>>>>>category) ?? (confirm? deny?) :)
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