[wp-hackers] WP Plug-in Manager

Doug Daulton ddaulton at ursastudios.com
Fri Jun 25 19:41:34 UTC 2004


I agree with everyting you said.  I think driving traffic to developer 
sites is a completely valid reason for maintianing your plugin repos on 
the your site.  Here is a thought ...

What if the PlugIn Header (PIH)/RDF also contained a PayPal (or other 
service) "Donate" URI?   This would be used to build a "donate" button 
in the Plugin entry on the Plugin Manager.   At some point in the 
install process (perhaps configurable in the PIH/RDF). the dev would 
either force a jump to his/her site or provide it as an option. 

So, additions to the PIH/RDF might be ...

a. Donate URI (either directly to the PayPal Donate Screen or a page on 
the dev's site)
b. Developer Site Metadata
    1. Developer URI (Root URI for dev site)
    2. Force Redirect (Y/N)
       a. Redirect URI (If not Developer URI)
       b. Page in install process at which redirect occurs (Before/After 


Jason goldsmith wrote:

>I think I am mostly following.
>Personally, I am not a huge fan of plugin auto-install in any
>form....I just want an easy way to know what plugins are out there and
>a reliable metric of which ones are actually in use (someone else
>suggested downloads, but that is an utterly useless metric for
>usage....I download lots of programs that suck so bad I delete them
>immediately....but I can't undownload them)
>As a plugin user I want to be able to find all of the e-mail a notice
>to the readers that a post has made plugins. But I don't want to guess
>which ones seem to work well, I want to know what other's are using.
>If one of them has 10,000 active installations and one has 5, well, I
>know which bandwagon I am going to be on.
>As a plugin author I want to know how many copies are actively in use
>for two reasons 1) I want to know if there is any point in adding new
>features (sorry but if 7 people are using a plugin, it isn't worth a
>whole lot of my time) and 2) I want an idea of how many people might
>be bent out of shape if I make a major change to a plugin and don't
>ensure an easy migration (hey for 7 people they can fix things
>manually, for 2000, I better have an automatic system)
>Finally, as a plugin author, I want you to have to come to my site and
>read my post and see my banner adds and my PayPal donation button.
>What you do with that information is entirely up to you, but I want
>you to see it. That's one of the reasons I stopped posting direct
>links to the downloads on the existing plugin sites.
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