[wp-hackers] General Development Practices/Thoughts

Doug Daulton ddaulton at ursastudios.com
Fri Jun 25 06:46:24 UTC 2004

A few development thoughts  ...

1. Is anyone discussing the creation of an API for WordPress?  I know 
there is an aversion to drawing a line in the sand, and I respect the 
feelings and rationale for this.  That said, without a clear framework 
(beyond the WIKI), devs might end up creating a bigger, more costly 
(time-wise) problem down the road.

2. Has anyone considered using phpXREF or phpDocumentor to document the 
codebase?  We did this for Xaraya and at my last job.  In both cases, 
these provide valuable developer references.   I would be happy to help 
get that rolling if needed.

That is it,


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