[wp-hackers] Limiting # of posts when a category is viewed?

Jason McIntosh jmcintosh at mlug.missouri.edu
Fri Jun 18 15:49:00 UTC 2004

Hmm, I just installed the plugin from jennifer at hipmonkey.com and it 
works pretty well on restricting the number of posts per page.  I 
believe it'll be included with the main wp distribution later.  So, 
that works pretty well for what I was looking for.  Although, I still 
think I'll go through and play around with the interface with regards 
to archives and categories, see if I can figure something out there.
Thanks all!

| Jason McIntosh                       | CELL: 573-424-7612        |
| Webmaster, thinker, Programmer, etc. | WORK: 573-884-3865        |
| http://poetshome.com/                |                           |
|"How should I know if it works?  That's what beta testers are     |
|for.  I only coded it."                                           |
|(Attributed to Linus Torvalds, somewhere in a posting)            |
GnuPG Key:  
On Jun 18, 2004, at 10:16 AM, Jason McIntosh wrote:

> The admin option to 10 posts page works ok.  The problem I can 
> foresee, and this is more of an interface design, is mixing category 
> and archives.  A thought I had was to keep a session var or similar 
> (haven't had a chance to go through all the wp code yet) to store the 
> selected category.  Then, when clicking through the archives, it would 
> display archives only for that category.  With that, I'm going to do 
> some mods so the current category is highlighted on selection.  Of 
> course, this might need to be an option.  I'm going through the code 
> right now, to see what I'd need to do this.
> Jason
> /--------------------------------------|---------------------------\
> | Jason McIntosh                       | CELL: 573-424-7612        |
> | Webmaster, thinker, Programmer, etc. | WORK: 573-884-3865        |
> | http://poetshome.com/                |                           |
> |------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |"How should I know if it works?  That's what beta testers are     |
> |for.  I only coded it."                                           |
> |(Attributed to Linus Torvalds, somewhere in a posting)            |
> \--------------------------------------|---------------------------/
> GnuPG Key:  
> http://poetshome.com/about/jmcintosh_mlug.missouri.edu.gpgkey
> On Jun 18, 2004, at 10:00 AM, Luc Saint-Elie wrote:
>> At 9:42 -0500 18/06/04, Jason McIntosh wrote:
>>> I thought I'd see before I worked on this, if anyone knew of a hack 
>>> to limit the # of posts displayed per page when a category is 
>>> chosen.  My General category has 70 posts, some of which are on the 
>>> large side, and thus when a category is clicked, it takes a LONG 
>>> time to load the page.  I'd like to limit the listing and make use 
>>> of the posts_per_page variable, or something similar.  Anyone have 
>>> any thoughts/suggestions on this?
>> Hello,
>> I think at a point of time every body will have the same problem.
>> The most obvious solution (for me) would be to have
>> select a category->display the list of titles for this category -> 
>> click on a title->display the post
>> instead of the current
>> select a category->display all posts in this category (or a selected 
>> number)
>> Luc
>> http://blog.saint-elie.com
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