[wp-hackers] Intervening in $posts and hidden categories

Owen Winkler ringmaster at midnightcircus.com
Thu Jun 17 20:44:48 UTC 2004

> Just as a matter of 
> implementation, however, I think it makes sense for a 
> sticky-post type 
> plugin to utilize the category infrastructure. Then in your 
> plugin file 
> you could get the ID of the sticky category and add a simple 
> $cat = -123; 
> to your plugin file to exclude that category from the main loop. With 
> regards to interface, I think checking and unchecking a 
> category is much 
> easier than putting a specified value in a custom field and 
> then deleting 
> it later.

Checking and unchecking a category to make a post sticky doesn't seem as
intuitive as clicking a box to make a post sticky.

Why not use post metadata for actual post metadata ("I am a sticky
post") rather than shoehorn metadata into the category feature ("posts
in here are sticky in the other categories to which they belong")?

That said, there should be a way to force certain metadata fields to
appear by default and to predefine those fields with display types.  For
example, there could be a way to define "Sticky" as a metadata field
that appears in the post editor by default, and it could appear as a
checkbox that sets the value of the "Sticky" key depending on its
checked state.

It seems unclear how the display mechanism could differentiate what
metadata is for literal display ("Currently reading...") and what
metadata is for display control ("highlight this post").  Should there
be a flag that differntiates metacontent versus metadata?


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