[wp-hackers] Welcome :)

Luc Saint-Elie luc at saint-elie.com
Thu Jun 17 08:44:34 UTC 2004


* who you are

I'm Luc Saint-Elie. I'm a French journalist and photoreporter. I'm a 
hobbyist PHP developer.
Before WP I used to develop sites using Samrty. I choose WP because I 
don't have enough time to do everything myself and because WP fits my 
I'm French (you know these strange guys who eat frogs and always say 
"we don't agree" :-) )

I use WP at http://blog.saint-elie.com

* why you're here

Because I like WP and when I like something, I like to help making it better

* what you'd like to get out of this list

« A better WordPress. » (copyright Ryan)

And also get some infos and give some suggestions.

1- suggestions
The first suggestion I have is to have some anchor in 
wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php to link plug ins that needs a space 
in the Edit form.

I use Exibit, a plug in that (as I said in the forums) I think might 
be included in a further release. Exibit is not the definitive photo 
gallery script, but today most of blog users will need to have photos 
with their texts and Exibit fits very well the basic requirement of 
most of users.

To use Exibit you must do (from the install doc)

Near the end of the file wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php, between 
lines  189 and 190, add this single line (if it is not already there) 
so that the  code reads like this:

<?php do_action('wp_edit_advanced', ''); // This line is added for Exhibit ?>
<?php if ('edit' == $action) echo "

I think that it would be a good idea that :
<?php do_action('wp_edit_advanced', ''); ?>
doesn't load the exibit form but loads ANY form from ANY plugin that 
needs a space in the Editing interface.

2- info
I have developed (the word « developed » is exaggerated , it's a very 
simple code) a RSS newsfeed reader for the resume part of my WP 
powered site (http://luc.saint-elie?com/rss.php)

I'd like to rewrite it in a « WP compliant » way, and I don't really 
know how to do this. Right now it's a mod that rely on a modified 


Luc Saint-Elie  Journaliste
7, rue Androuet
75018 Paris
Mail: luc at saint-elie.com
Tel : 08 70 73 20 28
Mob : 06 12 90 19 65

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