[wp-hackers] andrew hall - who why what & suggestion

Jonathon Jongsma jonathon at quotidian.org
Wed Jun 16 02:23:06 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-06-15 at 20:26, ayj & j wrote:

> The point here is not the specifics of my example. My suggestion is that we
> create a facility for allowing us to leave detailed documentation and
> commentary regarding each file of the WP core - and why not of all plug-ins
> as well. Perhaps something along the lines of the on-line php manual. A
> separate page for each file with posts underneath. Even better would be
> links from the relevant point in the script to the comment.
> Perhaps the wiki is meant to do this - I feel the wiki is also meant for a
> wider audience who might not want the detail that I would myself find very
> useful here.
> Does this make sence to anyone else?
> Andrew Hall

This is a good idea, but I'd have to say that it makes most sense to
actually do this via comments in the source code itself.  Is there a
reason that the source code contains almost no comments?  It seems that
easily comprehensible code would lower the bar for potential
contributors significantly.

jonathon jongsma

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