[wp-hackers] Introduce yourself

Jamie 'Peoii' Harrell webmaster at peoii.com
Tue Jun 15 21:42:27 UTC 2004

> Let us know
> * who you are

My name is Jamie Harrell, and I blog at http://blog.peoii.com

> * why you're here

I'm here because I'm interested in creating plug ins for Wordpress, and 
I think this will be an excellent resource.

> * what you'd like to get out of this list

Knowledge, plain and simple.  To be able to have others who are 
interested in the same thing I am that can help me along my path to 
coding completeness, and to help others along their path.

Jamie Harrell

http://www.peoii.com/    |    http://blog.peoii.com/

"Balance brought forth thru Expression of ones inner self."

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