[wp-hackers] For those who don't subscribe to the wp docs mailinglist:

Chris Lott Chris.Lott at gmail.com
Fri Jul 30 17:58:11 UTC 2004

Reading over past discussion, it seems pretty clear that PHPBB is not
in the cards. I don't know that it needs to be. I followed some
threads where suggestions were made about needed *functionality* and
it was followed up on and those features added. What are the things
the forums should do/allow you to do? Then perhaps some of them could
be made to happen? The things that bug me about the forums are issues
like: not being able to change the number of items showing on a page,
not being able to choose to review in reverse chronological order, not
having a link in the index that jumps to the most recent post (having
to page to the end of long threads), a layout that isn't particularly
space efficient or at all modifiable even to font sizes...

Also, though I made a less-than-positive comment about some aspects of
the forum, I was reflecting on many of the same issues Podz brought
up. I don't think the forums should be pruned, though reorganization
might help. The community aspect of the WP forums is a *good* thing...
and a community will naturally have discussion that is tangential to
direct support needs. Most of the negative effects come as a natural
part of community growth and I imagine it will equalize with some

Chris Lott

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