[wp-hackers] For those who don't subscribe to the wp docs mailing list:

Matt Mullenweg m at mullenweg.com
Thu Jul 29 21:59:15 UTC 2004

Scott Merrill wrote:

> While we're throwing out suggestions, I'd like to advocate for MediaWiki 
> instead of phpWiki.  I realize that the conversion would be awkward, but 
> in my short time fiddling with MediaWiki I've found it to offer a lot of 
> useful features.

I've been thinking about converting the wiki for the very reasons you 
mention. The biggest pain would be existing links, from other sites and in 
WordPress itself! If I do end up installing MediaWiki it will be on a 
different subdomain (like docs.wordpress.org) and we could use the 
redirect function in phpWiki (which I love) to point to new pages as they 
are created.

Good reasons for MediaWiki:

* Very active development (phpWiki is weird in this regard)
* XHTML compliant
* Allows image attachment and such
* Friendlier interface in general
* Has long-term viability (as long as wikipedia is around)
* More user-friendly

Matt Mullenweg
  http://photomatt.net | http://wordpress.org
http://pingomatic.com | more soon...

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