[wp-hackers] For those who don't subscribe to the wp docs mailing list:

Scott Merrill skippy at skippy.net
Thu Jul 29 21:32:53 UTC 2004

Randy Peterman wrote:
> I would be glad to contribute but for some reason I am completely unable 
> to create an account to alter the wiki.  I tried so that I could add 
> further documentation to the wiki but couldn't and that's why I wrote my 
> two brief tutorials.  Am I missing something in account creation?  Does 
> someone on the 'in' have to make me one?

You need to use a WikiWord (also known as CamelCase).  Generally it's 
two seperate words with no intervening space.  I can't use my nick 
(skippy) because it's not a WikiWord.  I had to use my name (ScottMerrill).

Hope that helps.

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