[wp-hackers] Anti-spam Idea

Mark Jaquith mark.wordpress at txfx.net
Sat Dec 18 06:52:16 UTC 2004

Podz wrote:

> 2. Run part#1
> - This queries the database and takes an average of comment numbers / 
> time after discarding the top couple of posts (I think most people 
> have a couple of posts where comments have gone on much longer than 
> normal). This suggests two values: no. of comments and span of time.
> User does something that sets the values

Spam Karma uses some code adapted from a plugin that I wrote that looks 
out for a flood of comments from a similar source... it looks for IP, 
e-mail, and content, I think.

> 6. Once the values set in #2 are hit, plugin:
> - renames (using values from #3) any wp-comments* files and renames 
> the comments table in the database

This isn't really necessary... the comments table name doesn't matter to 
spammers, and Spam Karma can ensure that any commenter comes through the 
entry's comment form.

> - writes a lot of values to .htaccess to 'deny from'

This might be a good Spam Karma feature.

> - emails the blog owner

Spam Karma e-mails spam digests every X spams that are blocked

I think most of this is done by Spam Karma, in a fashion.  The beauty of 
SK is that it takes many things into account, whereas before, various 
spam plugins couldn't communicate at all.

You should suggest any anti-spam ideas you have here: 

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