[wp-hackers] RE: slow posting..

Adi Sieker ml at sieker.info
Tue Dec 7 12:35:21 UTC 2004

Donncha O Caoimh wrote:
> I don't think HTTP 1.0 is the answer - if you send a HTTP 1.0 request to 
>  blogs.linux.ie you'll get a completely different host for example.
You are right. Didn't think of that.
> It should be safe to break the connection to the web server in the same 
> way when the 2048 (or even 4096?) bytes of the webpage are read.

discover_pingback_uri closes the connection after 2048. The problem arises
if the file on the other server is smaller than 2048 (Which admittely
doesn't happen often).

> Anyone care to do some testing? I'm snowed under with work right now..

I did some more testing and searching on the net and found this
http://www.io.com/~maus/HttpKeepAlive.html. So adding this "\r\nConnection: close"
to the request URI solves the problem. I tested it and it works fine here.

Adi J. Sieker                                   http://www.sieker.info/
Freelance developer           http://www.sieker.info/wiki.php?id=Profil

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