[wp-hackers] XHTML Strict Mode

Jamie Talbot wphackers at jamietalbot.com
Wed Aug 4 10:48:24 UTC 2004

> True; I guess one of the things I was trying to do was to minimize 
> footprint into the function.  Especially since this thing has the 
> to mangle user text if not done properly.  However, the preg_match() 
does not 
> include the "/" for singular tags as part of the match, so you'd 
have to 
> modify the matching pattern, and then even more code to take that 
> account, which adds up to more risk.

Personally, I think this is a better solution, which if coded properly 
wouldn't (shouldn't!) be dangerous.  But it could easily be altered 
later if required, right?

> Actually, that is not necessary.  balanceTags() is currently only 
called to 
> process data on its way into the db.  To fix 'more', you just have 
to call it 
> against the pre-'more' text on its way out of the db (when retrieved 
> parsed by get_the_content()) ONLY when it's just the pre-'more' text 
> returned.  It'll balance whatever lies before the 'more', but it 
> affect the actual post content, and won't be called when the whole 
post is 
> retrieved, so no structure will be broken.  I've written it up here:
> http://www.coffee2code.com/archives/2004/08/03/patch-balancing-pre-

Had a look at that.  Nifty. :D  Of course, this still causes 
balancetags to be executed every time a post is displayed.  For 
multiple posts on one page, lots of viewers, page refreshes etc, this 
could add up to quite a lot of work.  The post text is unchanging 
until someone edits it, so the rebalancing on each occasion is 
redundant.  I still think a better solution is to call balancetags one 
time at post/edit time and save the output to a custom field.  This 
could easily be achieved using a few filters.  This statically created 
closing tag list could then be incorporated into the content using 
your own get custom field plugin!  What do you think?

> Since get_the_content() is already the one responsible for parsing 
> content and splitting out the 'more', I'd make the change there.  In 
> this is a pretty easy fix.  The line that explodes <!--more-->:
> $content = explode('<!--more-->', $content);
> Just make it:
> $content = explode('<!--more-->', $content, 2);
> The 'limit' arg to explode() was introduced in PHP 4.0.1, and the WP 
site says 
> we support 4.1, so that should do it.  I've made a patch for this 

Nice and easy.  Was thinking *way* too much about that one!

> Let me know if you were able to "break" balanceTags()!

The only thing I found was the issue you document yourself - that of 
multiple inline unbalanced tags being balanced all at the end instead 
of individually.  However, it would be difficult to secondguess what 
the user wanted...

All in all, good stuff!  Let me know what you think re the ongoing 
more tags saga :D



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