[bbDev] [1575] trunk: bb_uri() and bb_get_uri() commit bomb.
Sam Bauers
sam at automattic.com
Wed Jul 2 15:07:03 GMT 2008
Just as a further note, this is all backward compatible I believe.
But templates should change their use of bb_option('uri') to bb_uri().
It's fairly trivial now to modify all references to site URIs based on
the context using a plugin.
All link creation functions pass the context value in their filters,
so to find out if a call to bb_uri() was made in the action of a form
for example you would just do this...
add_filter('bb_uri', 'is_it_a_form_action');
function is_it_a_form_action($resource, $query, $context) {
if ($context & BB_URI_CONTEXT_FORM_ACTION) {
// It is a form action
...or a stylesheet in the admin area...
add_filter('bb_uri', 'is_it_an_admin_stylesheet');
function is_it_an_admin_stylesheet($resource, $query, $context) {
if ( ($context & BB_URI_CONTEXT_LINK_STYLESHEET_HREF) && ($context &
// It is a stylesheet in the admin area
I'm digging the bitwise operations.
Next up I'll setup forcing of SSL when necessary through redirection.
Then I can properly tackle the new cookies from WordPress.
On 03/07/2008, at 12:53 AM, m at wordpress.org wrote:
> Revision1575AuthorsambauersDate2008-07-02 14:53:07 +0000 (Wed, 02
> Jul 2008)Log Message
> bb_uri() and bb_get_uri() commit bomb.
> BB_URI_CONTEXT_* definitions applied to all link creation functions
> and passed to their filters.
> First stages of SSL support for user forms (login, registration,
> etc.) and admin area.
> Links rewritten for SSL at this stage, but pages are not yet forced
> to SSL if loaded as non-secure.
> bb_force_ssl_user_forms() and bb_force_ssl_admin() also included.
> Introducing new config constants, BB_FORCE_SSL_USER_FORMS and
> New config variable $bb->uri_ssl, a complete URI for the SSL links
> to go to. If not set it is based on replacing http with https in $bb-
> >uri.
Sam Bauers
Automattic, Inc.
sam at automattic.com
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