[bbDev] Admin Link in bbPress not doing anything.
Doug Meade
dougyitbos at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 23 14:36:42 GMT 2006
This problem boils down to the Admin link in bbPress
not doing anything.
But the details of my steps so far are below.
I am trying to get bbPress integrated with WordPress
I have a fresh WordPress install to work with.
Here's what I've done to date:
First I installed WordPress 2.0.1 in the root HTML
Then I created a bb folder under the root HTML
directory to house the bbPress files.
And then moved the bbPress files up.
I edited the bb-config file so as to install bbPress
in the same database as WP
I further edited the your bb-config.php as below
* Start WP integration
// loads the functions and wp config
require_once "../wp-config.php";
require_once "../wp-settings.php";
// use the WP user table for your bbpress user list
define('CUSTOM_USER_TABLE', 'wp_users');
// your $bb->domain must match your wp domain
exactly or the hash won't work and users will not
$myhash = md5($bb->domain);
$bb->usercookie = 'wordpressuser_' . $myhash;
$bb->passcookie = 'wordpresspass_' . $myhash;
// Use the same cookie as WP
$bb->cookiepath = '/';
* End WP integration
This was per the instructions found here:
Then I ran the install for bbPress.
I had some problems with user privileges and
registration so I dropped the bbpress tables.
Then I added another tweak to the bb-config.php
I added:
define('CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE', 'wp_usermeta');
As per the advice found here:
That seemed to help a bit...
But I'm still having an odd problem.
Here's the break down:
I can get the bbPress "Admin" link to show up for any
of the users in wp_users by adding an appropriate
entry in the wp_usermeta table for the bb_cpabilities
But ... Although the Admin link shows up... it does
I can not get any user to "see" the admin section of
Can anybody offer a suggestion here?
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