[wp-hackers] Enhance WP to use page categories

Mark Jaquith mark.wordpress at txfx.net
Thu Jan 25 00:07:03 GMT 2007

On Jan 21, 2007, at 9:12 AM, Chris wrote:

> However, it does not seem possible to categorize pages so that  
> there is a "public view" accessible to all, and a "members" view,  
> which might include the public view, but also show more restricted  
> pages.

The only thing that I can think is that this will mess up the  
category post counts, although there might be other side effects.   
One other way to do this would be via Custom Fields (i.e. the $wpdb- 
 >postmeta table).  This would allow you to set flags on the pages  
that determine private/public status.  You could have this assigned  
automatically if a page is a child of a "private" ultimate parent  
page (just use get_page() and crawl up the $page->post_parent ladder  
until you reach the top and then do an ID comparison).  this might  
end up being more future proof.

Mark Jaquith

Covered Web Services

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