[wp-forums] Who can offer what

Vicki Frei vkaryl at localnet.com
Sun Mar 19 20:30:46 GMT 2006

TechGnome wrote:
> So, what I am seeing is this:
> 1) Unsolicited overt commercial ads - don't like them, won't allow them. 
> If found will be deleted and the poster warned.
> 2) Semi-unsoliced (c)overt commercial ads - will be treated the same as 
> #1 above. These are the ones where there was a request for something 
> (help, template, what ever) and some one links to their commercial 
> product (the scenario I tossed in earlier)
> 3) Solicited help - where the OP is willing to pay and EXPLICITLY says 
> so. The thread will be checked for contact information and then closed 
> with instructions to the OP and potential sellers.
> Buyers must:
>    Provide contact information so that they may be contacted outside of 
> the WP Forums. Be aware that there are some unscrupulous people out 
> there and that "Buyer Beware" does apply. If at all possible, they 
> should look into the potential seller's history. Be aware of alternate 
> forms of paid help, to include (but not limited to) WP-Pro mailing list 
> and rentacoder.com. Be responsible to post in their thread once help is 
> no longer needed (one some one was selected or project completed) - this 
> is for the sanity of those involved and so that the OP isn't getting 
> needless emails.
> Sellers must:
>    NOT use the forums for anykind of unsolicited help. If they want to 
> actively sell their product, buy an ad through Google.  To passively 
> sell their services, sign up with WP-Pro, or start bidding on projects 
> at rentacoder.com. If they wish to respond to a "will pay for help" 
> posting, it must be done off line from the forums.
> Any posting not following the guidelines *will* be removed w/o warning. 
> Repeat offenders may find themselves locked out of the forums for some 
> time. Repeat repeat offenders will find themselves designated 
> persona-non-gratis.
> Thoughts? Comments?
> -tg
> Podz wrote:
>> Moshu wrote:
>> Two points:
>> 1. Excellent idea.
>> 2. "We" - good move. Welcome back :)
>> P.
>> _______________________________________________

Summed up nicely, TG.  Covers it for me, I think.  I hadn't got far enough to 
line it out yet, too many fires to put out elsewhere today.


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