[wp-forums] Services forum

Kaf Oseo kaf at szub.net
Sat Mar 18 06:02:36 GMT 2006

Michael B wrote:
> The bottom line Kaf is this:  do we allow folks to drop threads into the
> forum selling products or services related to WP, and if so, where is the
> line drawn.   And if not, who's to decide what is a solicitation and what is
> genuine support.

Well the subject line on this list thread is: Services forum. So, does a
services forum solve the problem you've pointed out, or exacerbate it by
effectively endorsing the activity?

> A recent example was someone trying to sell a new templating system that
> works with WP.  The thread was dropped several times, but the user kept
> coming back into threads dropping links to his product as a solution.  More
> and more of these type posts/threads are appearing.  Where is the line
> drawn, and who draws that line?

That line is being drawn, right now, by all involved in this thread. But try
to keep in mind that once it's drawn, it'll be hard to erase.

> Thus the suggestion of creating a forum to house such threads, with caveat
> emptor in a high profile sticky.

I approve of said sticky (if the forum is created). However, it's not just
the members participating on the forum who must abide by the caveats spelled
out in it. And that is a concern to me. Once the rules are set down, certain
folk must not only enforce them, but live with them. Rules don't just define
limits; they also highlight the loopholes.


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