[wp-forums] Services forum

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Sat Mar 18 02:31:36 GMT 2006

On 3/17/06, spencerp <psgif180 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Michael B wrote:
> Again, either way, it's a rock and hard place.  At least with this option
> (a services forum) we can say we tried.  If it fails miserably, proves to be
> too much, then we can ax all threads, and say we gave it a shot.
> Not that my .01$ really matters on this whole ordeal anyways,
> spencerp

That couldn't be further from the truth spencer.  everyone who
uses/volunteers in the forums should have a voice in what goes on in the
forum.  I certainly don't think my opinion carries any more weight than the

~Michael Bishop

http://www.miklb.com     http://www.wpstation.com

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