[wp-hackers] New(?) anti-spam technique

Scott Merrill skippy at skippy.net
Thu Oct 21 20:04:29 UTC 2004

Robert Deaton said:
> on where to spam and with what messages. The one way to stop potential
> mass comment spam over a short period is to make counters that count
> the number of spams per...say 5 minute period, and if it exceeds a
> certain number, turn off comments on that post all together until the
> owner of the blog can return and set it back up, hoping that the
> spammers will have given up and moved on.

Of the automated spam assaults that I've received, they've gone
sequentially through each of my post IDs.  I've not seen multiple comment
spam directed to individual posts.

skippy at skippy.net | http://skippy.net/

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