[wp-hackers] Re: Welcome

Steve Ivy steve at redmonk.net
Thu Jun 17 04:45:52 UTC 2004

Hi All!

> * who you are

Steve Ivy, aka redmonk on #wordpress. I'm a recent convert to 
WordPress, after 4 years on another CMS, and blog at 

> * why you're here

My previous host was on a proprietary system, where extending the 
system was not an option. One of the things that excited me about 
moving to an open platform was being able to extend it - I've already 
benefited from the generosity of the community and it's been great!

> * what you'd like to get out of this list

I'd like to learn more about writing plugins, and understand the 
architecture a bit more. I'm hoping to contribute back as well, but 
I'll not promise anything yet. ;)



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