[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #62110: AtomParser_Parse_Test::test_parse_sets_handlers failing

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Thu Jan 30 17:53:19 UTC 2025

#62110: AtomParser_Parse_Test::test_parse_sets_handlers failing
 Reporter:  benniledl                 |       Owner:  jorbin
     Type:  defect (bug)              |      Status:  closed
 Priority:  normal                    |   Milestone:  6.7.2
Component:  Build/Test Tools          |     Version:  6.7
 Severity:  normal                    |  Resolution:  fixed
 Keywords:  has-patch has-unit-tests  |     Focuses:
Changes (by jorbin):

 * owner:  (none) => jorbin
 * status:  new => closed
 * resolution:   => fixed


 In [changeset:"59739" 59739]:
 #!CommitTicketReference repository="" revision="59739"
 Build/Test: Update assertions in

 On some instances of Windows, the assertions seem to find additional
 nodes. As this test is just about verifying that the handlers get called,
 not about testing the functionality of the handlers, we can adjust the
 assertion to look for a minimum number of nodes rather than exact number.

 Follow-up to [59062].

 Props yogeshbhutkar, hellofromTonya, SergeyBiryukov, coquardcyr, jrf,
 benniledl, desrosj, jorbin.
 Fixes #62110. See #62061.

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/62110#comment:18>
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