[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #62849: Rename the "setted_transient" action to "set_transient".

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Wed Jan 29 23:49:32 UTC 2025

#62849: Rename the "setted_transient" action to "set_transient".
 Reporter:  peterwilsoncc             |       Owner:  sukhendu2002
     Type:  defect (bug)              |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  normal                    |   Milestone:  6.8
Component:  Options, Meta APIs        |     Version:
 Severity:  normal                    |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  good-first-bug has-patch  |     Focuses:
Description changed by peterwilsoncc:

Old description:

> To quote the Merriam-Webster dictionary's page for the [https://www
> .merriam-webster.com/dictionary/setted definition for setted]:
> > The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary.
> The correct work in the context of the action is "set", so I propose
> renaming the action to correct the misspelling.
> This will also introduce consistency with the action name
> `set_transient_{$transient}`.
> ----
> Edit: `setted_site_transient` ought to be renamed too as part of this,
> see [comment:3 comment #3] -- @peterwilsoncc
> The incorrectly spelt action is
> [https://wpdirectory.net/search/01JJAJAAEHNJZHT5F8V4H5M35T used in some
> popular plugins], the two highest installations with 200K+ active
> installs, so that may be a blocker due to the amount of log entries it
> will create. It will not be a back-compat break as it would be covered by
> a `do_action_deprecated()` call.

New description:

 To quote the Merriam-Webster dictionary's page for the [https://www
 .merriam-webster.com/dictionary/setted definition for setted]:

 > The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary.

 The correct work in the context of the action is "set", so I propose
 renaming the action to correct the misspelling.

 This will also introduce consistency with the action name

 The incorrectly spelt action is
 [https://wpdirectory.net/search/01JJAJAAEHNJZHT5F8V4H5M35T used in some
 popular plugins], the two highest installations with 200K+ active
 installs, so that may be a blocker due to the amount of log entries it
 will create. It will not be a back-compat break as it would be covered by
 a `do_action_deprecated()` call.


 Edit: `setted_site_transient` ought to be renamed too as part of this, see
 [comment:3 comment #3] -- @peterwilsoncc


Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/62849#comment:6>
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