[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #62865: Change font weight of settings and other similar labels

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Mon Jan 27 13:36:08 UTC 2025

#62865: Change font weight of settings and other similar labels
 Reporter:  karmatosed      |       Owner:  audrasjb
     Type:  enhancement     |      Status:  accepted
 Priority:  normal          |   Milestone:  6.8
Component:  Administration  |     Version:
 Severity:  normal          |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  has-patch       |     Focuses:  ui, accessibility, css

Comment (by afercia):

 @karmatosed thanks for your feedback. I did see the accessibility label
 was used on this ticket, thanks for that. However, I'm not seeing any
 specific accessibility feedback has been given on this ticked or the
 related PR on GitHub.

 Opening a trac ticket isn't just a formal act to be compliant with the
 contribution process. Instead, it serves the purpose to gather feedback
 from the broader community of contributors. Creating a ticket and
 committing a change in just (more or less) 36 hours doesn't allow for some
 broader discussion, in my personal opinion. That said, any change can be
 iterated on or even reverted if need be but I'd still think allowing for
 some more discussion before committing changes is the best way to have a
 higher quality end result.

 Certainly, lighter text may help some users. But even in the realm of
 dyslexia other users may benefit from the opposite case by shapes that are
 thicker. For example, some font faces specifically designer for (some
 types) of dyslexia use a heavier, bolder line thickness that emphasizes
 the bottom of most letters. This is the case for the Dyslexie font face,
 for example.  One more font face recommended for (some types) of dyslexia
 is the much reviled Comic Sans, which does use ticker shapes. As you know,
 there's not just one type of dyslexia and there is no single font or
 weight that can help all users.

 Other kind of low vision may suffer from a reduced font weight. For
 example, for me the labels are now _less_ visible.

 Until users will be able to customize the font metrics, we need to find a
 balance that helps the largest audience. Also, I'd still like to see this
 change checked on Windows, where I will the 400 weight ends up being too

 Overall, I think this change should be considered more carefully to ensure
 that the user interface does not introduce a worsening of readability for
 many users.

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/62865#comment:17>
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