[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #24766: Title attributes galore. They serve no useful purpose.

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Fri Jan 24 21:55:13 UTC 2025

#24766: Title attributes galore. They serve no useful purpose.
 Reporter:  karlgroves                           |       Owner:
                                                 |  sabernhardt
     Type:  task (blessed)                       |      Status:  accepted
 Priority:  normal                               |   Milestone:  6.8
Component:  Administration                       |     Version:
 Severity:  normal                               |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  title-attribute a11y-task has-patch  |     Focuses:  ui,
                                                 |  accessibility

Comment (by sabernhardt):

 Two of the following tickets have been completed already, but these were
 the remaining `title` attributes earlier this week.

 ==== `wp-admin` ====

 - Theme list tables: already removed in #62834
 - Comments column header icons in post list tables: #55555 retained the
 titles on the icon but silenced the redundancy for screen readers. If
 there is a more accessible replacement, these `title` attributes could be
 removed on a future ticket.

 ==== `wp-includes` ====

 - Author link functions: #62835
 - Links Widget (Bookmark API): part of #50561
 - Customizer Widgets interface: already replaced in #62836
 - Post shortlinks: #62838
 - Calendar weekday headers: #62860
 - I am not concerned about `get_image_tag()`. It allows a `title`
 attribute on images, but only if the `$title` parameter is not empty.

 ==== JS ====

 - Classic Editor placeholder images, plus special character and text color
 selection: #62861
 - [https://github.com/WordPress/wordpress-
 Quicktags allows a title attribute], but the Media item details screen
 does not use it for the attachment's Description (the buttons have an ARIA
 label without a `title` attribute). The Classic Editor's Code view
 likewise uses ARIA labels without `title` attributes.
 - Other `title=` search results do not seem related to `title` attributes.
 Please correct me if I missed something.

 ==== Block editor ====

 The Navigation Link and Navigation Submenu blocks have fields to add
 `title` attributes on the links (related: GB19990 and GB35634). #51299
 only removed redundant attributes in `Walker_Nav_Menu`, so the block
 equivalent could have a similarly low-impact change. Maybe the sidebar
 could hide the field, too. This would need Gutenberg issue(s).

 ==== Bundled themes ====

 #57199 removed the 13 redundant `title` attributes in themes. Some others
 could be worth removing, but
 1. the remainder are all in the four oldest themes, and
 2. I do not want to edit any of the translatable strings this late (unless
 an editor is prepared to update them in multiple languages).

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/24766#comment:81>
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