[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #62622: Bump minimum PHP version to 7.3 or 7.4

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Thu Jan 2 20:30:08 UTC 2025

#62622: Bump minimum PHP version to 7.3 or 7.4
 Reporter:  justlevine   |       Owner:  (none)
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:  Awaiting Review
Component:  General      |     Version:
 Severity:  normal       |  Resolution:
 Keywords:               |     Focuses:

Comment (by samiamnot):

 Updated for early Jan 2025 based on [https://wordpress.org/about/stats/

 As we stand now, 5.06% of sites are on unsupported PHP versions, something
 that dropped 0.14% in the past month, vs 0.18% in the previous month.

 7.2 + 7.3 that are slated to be dropped are still decreasing, but at a
 slower pace. This month from it was down 0.20%, vs 0.21 last month and
 0.26% the previous month. Based on this slowdown, @johnbillion's
 [https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/62622#comment:2 projection] that
 we could make the move in in v6.9 will likely be too early. I assume that
 by v7.0 we can make the move.

 ||='''Month/Year'''=||='''PHP 7.2'''=||='''PHP 7.3'''=||='''PHP 7.2 +
 ||Jul 2023|| 6.48|| 8.16|| '''14.64%'''||
 ||Aug 2023|| 5.64|| 7.62|| '''13.26%'''||
 ||Sep 2023|| 5.55|| 7.18|| '''12.73%'''||
 ||Oct 2023|| 5.31|| 6.87|| '''12.18%'''||
 ||Nov 2023|| 5.20|| 6.51|| '''11.71%'''||
 ||Dec 2023|| 5.08|| 6.17|| '''11.25%'''||
 ||Jan 2024|| 4.79|| 5.90|| '''10.69%'''||
 ||Feb 2024|| 4.67|| 5.54|| '''10.21%'''||
 ||Mar 2024|| 4.30|| 5.11|| '''9.41%'''||
 ||Apr 2024|| 3.80|| 4.79|| '''8.59%'''||
 ||May 2024|| 3.63|| 4.52|| '''8.15%'''||
 ||Jun 2024|| 3.46|| 4.30|| '''7.76%'''||
 ||Jul 2024|| 3.33|| 4.10|| '''7.43%'''||
 ||Aug 2024|| 3.18|| 3.90|| '''7.08%'''||
 ||Sep 2024|| 3.05|| 3.73|| '''6.78%'''||
 ||Oct 2024|| 2.93|| 3.56|| '''6.49%'''||
 ||Nov 2024|| 2.83|| 3.40|| '''6.23%'''||
 ||Dec 2024|| 2.76|| 3.26|| '''6.02%'''||
 ||Jan 2025|| 2.68|| 3.14|| '''5.82%'''||

 For historical reasons, here are the stats for no longer supported
 versions (as of WP 6.6) going back to PHP 5.2. This is not changing much
 (going down about 0.20% a month) and many are likely "abandoned" sites
 that are on old versions of WP.

 ||='''Month/Year'''=||='''PHP 5.2'''=||='''PHP 5.3'''=||='''PHP
 5.4'''=||='''PHP 5.5'''=||='''PHP 5.6'''=||='''PHP 7.0'''=||='''PHP
 ||Jan 2024|| 0.21|| 0.50|| 0.44|| 0.35|| 3.21|| 1.67|| 1.08||
 ||Feb 2024|| 0.21|| 0.49|| 0.42|| 0.35|| 3.12|| 1.62|| 1.04||
 ||Mar 2024|| 0.21|| 0.48|| 0.39|| 0.34|| 3.02|| 1.55|| 0.99||
 ||Apr 2024|| 0.20|| 0.47|| 0.38|| 0.33|| 2.93|| 1.50|| 0.95||
 ||May 2024|| 0.20|| 0.46|| 0.37|| 0.32|| 2.84|| 1.45|| 0.92||
 ||Jun 2024|| 0.20|| 0.45|| 0.36|| 0.31|| 2.76|| 1.41|| 0.89||
 ||Jul 2024|| 0.19|| 0.44|| 0.35|| 0.30|| 2.63|| 1.36|| 0.86||
 ||Aug 2024|| 0.19|| 0.43|| 0.34|| 0.29|| 2.53|| 1.31|| 0.82||
 ||Sep 2024|| 0.19|| 0.41|| 0.33|| 0.28|| 2.45|| 1.25|| 0.79||
 ||Oct 2024|| 0.18|| 0.40|| 0.32|| 0.27|| 2.38|| 1.20|| 0.76||
 ||Nov 2024|| 0.18|| 0.39|| 0.31|| 0.26|| 2.32|| 1.15|| 0.72||
 ||Dec 2024|| 0.17|| 0.39|| 0.31|| 0.26|| 2.27|| 1.11|| 0.69||
 ||Jan 2025|| 0.17|| 0.38|| 0.31|| 0.25|| 2.21|| 1.07|| 0.67||

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/62622#comment:4>
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