[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #61751: Custom post type editor working

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Thu Jul 25 14:50:57 UTC 2024

#61751: Custom post type editor working
 Reporter:  karan4word     |       Owner:  (none)
     Type:  defect (bug)   |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal         |   Milestone:  Awaiting Review
Component:  Editor         |     Version:  6.6.1
 Severity:  blocker        |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  needs-testing  |     Focuses:  javascript, administration

Comment (by karan4word):

 The error also comes while creating any new post with any custom post type

 That js code returns this object on dev tools console


     "capabilities": {
         "edit_post": "edit_post",
         "read_post": "read_post",
         "delete_post": "delete_post",
         "edit_posts": "edit_posts",
         "edit_others_posts": "edit_others_posts",
         "delete_posts": "delete_posts",
         "publish_posts": "publish_posts",
         "read_private_posts": "read_private_posts",
         "read": "read",
         "delete_private_posts": "delete_private_posts",
         "delete_published_posts": "delete_published_posts",
         "delete_others_posts": "delete_others_posts",
         "edit_private_posts": "edit_private_posts",
         "edit_published_posts": "edit_published_posts",
         "create_posts": "edit_posts"
     "description": "",
     "hierarchical": false,
     "has_archive": false,
     "visibility": {
         "show_in_nav_menus": true,
         "show_ui": true
     "viewable": true,
     "labels": {
         "name": "Stories",
         "singular_name": "Story",
         "add_new": "Add New",
         "add_new_item": "Add New Story",
         "edit_item": "Edit Story",
         "new_item": "New Story",
         "view_item": "View Story",
         "view_items": "View Posts",
         "search_items": "Search Stories",
         "not_found": "No Stories found",
         "not_found_in_trash": "No Stories found in Trash",
         "parent_item_colon": null,
         "all_items": "Stories",
         "archives": "Stories",
         "attributes": "Post Attributes",
         "insert_into_item": "Insert into post",
         "uploaded_to_this_item": "Uploaded to this post",
         "featured_image": "Featured image",
         "set_featured_image": "Set featured image",
         "remove_featured_image": "Remove featured image",
         "use_featured_image": "Use as featured image",
         "filter_items_list": "Filter posts list",
         "filter_by_date": "Filter by date",
         "items_list_navigation": "Posts list navigation",
         "items_list": "Posts list",
         "item_published": "Post published.",
         "item_published_privately": "Post published privately.",
         "item_reverted_to_draft": "Post reverted to draft.",
         "item_trashed": "Post binned.",
         "item_scheduled": "Post scheduled.",
         "item_updated": "Post updated.",
         "item_link": "Post Link",
         "item_link_description": "A link to a post.",
         "menu_name": "Stories",
         "name_admin_bar": "Story",
         "template_name": "Single item: Story"
     "name": "Stories",
     "slug": "story",
     "icon": false,
     "supports": {
         "title": true,
         "editor": true,
         "excerpt": true,
         "custom-fields": true,
         "thumbnail": true,
         "author": true,
         "page-attributes": true,
         "autosave": true
     "taxonomies": [
     "rest_base": "story",
     "rest_namespace": "wp/v2",
     "template": [],
     "template_lock": false,
     "yoast_head": null,
     "yoast_head_json": null,
     "_links": {
         "collection": [
                 "href": "https://domainname.gov.uk/wp-json/wp/v2/types"
         "wp:items": [
                 "href": "https://domainname.gov.uk/wp-json/wp/v2/story"
         "curies": [
                 "name": "wp",
                 "href": "https://api.w.org/{rel}",
                 "templated": true

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/61751#comment:4>
WordPress Trac <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/>
WordPress publishing platform

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