[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #61829: Some layout styles have increased specificity in WordPress 6.6 within the non-iframed editor

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Tue Aug 6 08:56:52 UTC 2024

#61829: Some layout styles have increased specificity in WordPress 6.6 within the
non-iframed editor
 Reporter:  talldanwp     |      Owner:  (none)
     Type:  defect (bug)  |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal        |  Milestone:  6.6.2
Component:  Editor        |    Version:  6.6
 Severity:  normal        |   Keywords:  has-patch has-unit-tests
  Focuses:                |
 Ticket for backporting the changes in

 == Description

 When the block editor is not iframed (which can happen when Custom Fields
 are active, or blocks that use and older `apiVersion` are present), style
 rules are processed using post css to append the `.editor-styles-wrapper`
 class name. This has the effect of scoping the the style rules to ensure
 they don't affect the editor chrome or admin.

 In WordPress 6.6, one of the rules was changed to `.is-layout-flow > *`.
 In a iframed editor, the specificity of this rule is ok (0,1,0), but in a
 non-iframed editor it becomes `.editor-styles-wrapper .is-layout-flow >
 *`, a specificity of (0,2,0). Comparing this to 6.5, the same rule was
 `.editor-styles-wrapper :where(body .is-layout-flow) > *` (specificity
 0,1,0). So this is a regression in specificity that has caused some
 issues. Notably themes can no longer properly override the spacing for
 blocks using theme.json and have the results correctly shown in the non-
 iframed editor.

 == Testing Instructions
 1. Add some very obvious margin rules to your theme.json like this for
 paragraphs (under `styles.blocks`):

 "core/paragraph": {
         "spacing": {
                 "margin": {
                         "top": "4rem",
                         "bottom": "4rem"

 2. Create a new post. Ensure you don't have custom fields active.
 3. Insert 3 paragraphs with text, check that the margin looks right. The
 first paragraph should have no top margin, the last no bottom margin, but
 in all other cases there should be `4rem` top/bottom margin.
 4. Activate Custom Fields in the editor preferences to 'un-iframe' the
 5. Observe that the block spacing is now incorrect

 == Screenshots or screencast
 ==== Actual

 ==== Expected

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/61829>
WordPress Trac <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/>
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