[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #56009: Prepare for PHP 8.2

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Mon Jun 20 10:15:49 UTC 2022

#56009: Prepare for PHP 8.2
 Reporter:  jrf             |       Owner:  (none)
     Type:  task (blessed)  |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal          |   Milestone:  6.1
Component:  General         |     Version:
 Severity:  normal          |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  php82           |     Focuses:

Comment (by jrf):

 Replying to [comment:2 johnbillion]:
 > Let's also add PHPCS/WPCS and PHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibilityWP to the
 "Readiness of essential tooling" list.

 @johnbillion Could you eleborate on that ?

 In my opinion, PHPCS/WPCS are actually not relevant as WP won't start
 using any of the new PHP syntaxes until the minimum PHP version goes up
 to, so any problems PHPCS may have with those won't impact WordPress' PHP
 8.2 readiness.
 And sniffs are all set up to give the same results independently of the
 PHP version on which PHPCS is run, so again, that is not a problem.

 The same applies for PHPCompatibility, though obviously there is an extra
 aspect to that: has PHPCompatibility put sniffs in place to detect
 incompatibilities ?

 Work is ongoing for that behind the scenes, but that's a whole other (and
 very long) story. But for all practical purposes, it also isn't a problem
 as even for those sniffs not yet published, let alone released, the scan
 can still be executed (and is semi-regularly) due to the short line
 between WP and the maintainers of PHPCompatibility (aka: me) and tickets
 are opened for newly detected incompatibilities found (like some of the
 above listed tickets).

 Also note that while PHPCompatibility can catch _a lot_ of issues, the
 most problematic changes in PHP cannot be detected by PHPCompatibility as
 they depend on access to the runtime value of variables or cross-file
 scanning, which PHPCompatibility does not have.
 Think: the PHP 8.1 "passing null to non-nullable" deprecation or the PHP
 8.2 dynamic properties change (which can be partially detected, but
 detection is limited to the file being scanned).

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/56009#comment:3>
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