[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #53024: List https functionality health check failures as critical

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Sat Sep 11 13:03:38 UTC 2021

#53024: List https functionality health check failures as critical
 Reporter:  peterwilsoncc            |       Owner:  (none)
     Type:  enhancement              |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal                   |   Milestone:  5.9
Component:  Site Health              |     Version:  5.7
 Severity:  normal                   |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  needs-patch needs-codex  |     Focuses:  docs

Comment (by Clorith):

 I've been looking at the HTTPS validation used for these checks (for the
 first bullet point, of fine tuning the checks). I wonder if we could
 change the `wp_is_https_supported()` function to instead do as @ipstenu
 suggested in #52783, and make a HTTPS validation check that doesn't rely
 on finding output generated by WordPress, but instead just does a SSL cert
 check, and validation, on the URL set as your site URL.

 This makes even more sense with headless solutions becoming more likely
 with recent strides over the last few years, where WordPress doesn't
 handle the output at all, and as Mika mentions, if you've got issues
 getting to wp-admin, you'll already have had to cross the hurdle to reach
 the Site Health checks.

 Fetching the certificate it self was fairly straight forward while playing
 around, but relied on `stream_*`, and then parsing it using
 `openssl_x509_parse`, but I'm not sure how widely available these function
 are, or if it is something hosts generally disable (perhaps @JavierCasares
 knows a bit more about this from a host perspective?).
 I'm thinking if the function may not exist (it comes with the `openssl`
 extension, which is recommended but not required) it may be worthwhile to
 skip the test as it can't be reliably ran, but this is just thinking out

 There are also libraries available for validating SSL (see for example
 [https://github.com/spatie/ssl-certificate/ spatie/ssl-certificate] as the
 first result I got when looking into this), but a simple check for "Does
 the site have a valid certificate" wouldn't need more than a call which
 then verified the certificate that is returned has the site URL it
 requested as part of the DNS entries, and that the  current time is within
 the certificate lifespan, so relying on a third party library here might
 not bring a lot of benefit to the project as a whole. It looks like the
 Requests library, which we use in core, has some validation functions, but
 I've not looked into how flexible they are for this kind of scenario.

 If the tests are made platform agnostic, then we might not need to expand
 on the documentation than what already exists at
 https://wordpress.org/support/article/why-should-i-use-https/ (which is
 generalised into more of a "what does HTTPS doe for me" format)

 cc @flixos90 for thoughts on the HTTPS validation changes, as the one
 spearheading the efforts there originally.

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/53024#comment:3>
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