[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #44427: Introduce lazy-loading API for media and other elements
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Thu Sep 10 00:24:40 UTC 2020
#44427: Introduce lazy-loading API for media and other elements
Reporter: mor10 | Owner: flixos90
Type: enhancement | Status: closed
Priority: normal | Milestone: 5.5
Component: Media | Version: 5.4
Severity: normal | Resolution: fixed
Keywords: has-patch has-unit-tests 2nd- | Focuses:
opinion early needs-testing has-dev-note | performance
Comment (by captainmoe):
Replying to [comment:16 mor10]:
Hey Morten, from what I understand, the loading="lazy" attribute is
supposed to stop images out of the viewport from being loaded...as this
video demonstrates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UaKADF8SN4
I have tried a few browsers besides Chrome and it looks like images are
all loaded at once when I scroll down. Does connection speed have any
bearing on this?
> Lazy loading was created specifically to address page load for people on
slower connections because of large page sizes mainly caused by images
appearing "below the fold" and out of view. There's ample research to show
people rarely scroll all the way down a page, and loading images out of
view is a waste of valuable resources which incurs cost and slowness for
the end-user, especially on slow connections. By lazy loading images and
other heavy assets, the user is delivered a significantly improved user
experience while at the same time saving both time and money.
> The specific spec from Google, which is now implemented in Chrome, is to
use the `loading` attribute to instruct the browser on ''how'' to lazy
load images and iframes. By default, the browser treats all images and
iframes as `loading="auto"` meaning the browser automatically lazy loads
assets based on its own formula. Developers can set each asset to either
`loading="lazy"` which "defers loading of the resource until it reaches a
calculated distance from the viewport", or `loading="eager"` which "loads
the resource immediately, regardless of where it's located on the page."
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/44427#comment:126>
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