[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #32101: Ability to mark plugin as unmanaged
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Sat Sep 5 03:28:57 UTC 2020
#32101: Ability to mark plugin as unmanaged
Reporter: damonganto | Owner: DrewAPicture
Type: task (blessed) | Status: assigned
Priority: normal | Milestone: WordPress.org
Component: Plugins | Version: 4.1.2
Severity: major | Resolution:
Keywords: has-patch needs-testing | Focuses:
Comment (by dougwollison):
+1 for a "Private" header on plugins and themes, at least as a basic
solution until a more versatile one like others have suggested can be
properly implemented.
I recently had a scare where a custom theme on a client's site was flagged
for an update because at some point in the past 8 years a theme with the
same name was published to the public repo. Thankfully the client almost
never bothers performing plugin/theme/core updates.
As a precaution, I ended up going through every site I ever built in the
past 8 years (and still had access to) and change the version number on
each custom theme/plugin to the project's date, in order to minimize the
chance of that happening in the future. The operative word here is
''minimize'', as at least one plugin (GA Google Analytics) uses the full
date ''without periods'' as the version number (e.g. 20200815). At this
point, I wouldn't be surpised if someone gets the idea to use unix
timestamps as their version numbers.
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/32101#comment:77>
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