[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #43305: Accessibility Issue in Arranging the Menu Items: I need a combobox for selecting the parent item and a combobox for selecting the item position
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Mon Nov 30 14:56:21 UTC 2020
#43305: Accessibility Issue in Arranging the Menu Items: I need a combobox for
selecting the parent item and a combobox for selecting the item position
Reporter: javad2000 | Owner: audrasjb
Type: feature request | Status: assigned
Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Release
Component: Menus | Version:
Severity: normal | Resolution:
Keywords: | Focuses: accessibility
Comment (by javad2000):
Hi again
I investigated the problem on several PCs with several versions of JAWS
and NVDA. About the first two problems:
1- Accessibility problem for adding new menu items:
2- Accessibility problem of Screen Options:
I found out the following:
I have a multisite with a main site (www.d-dar.com) and a sub-site
(www.d-dar.com/template/). The first two problems are fully solved in the
main site if I use NVDA 2020, and partly solved if I use JAWS 2020.
However, those two problems still exist on the subsite.
I wonder why the menu editor of the main site works quite well, but the
menu editor of the subsites do not work at all.
I asked a sighted person to use the menu-editor of the subsite with mouse,
but the problem exists for sighted people as well. They could not add any
custom link to the menu.
I deactivated all plugins. I used the default theme (Twentytwenty) for
both the main site and the subsite, but no luck. Neither blind people nor
sighted people could use the menu editor. They could not add custom-links
to the menu.
I added a fresh new site to the multisite, but the fresh new site had the
same problem with its menus. I cannot use its menu editor, while I can use
the menu editor of the main site efficiently.
About the third problem:
3- Accessibility Problem when rearranging and reordering menu items:
I had opened a ticket and a feature-request topic 3 years ago:
But no luck after 3 years. I hope WordPress accessibility team will solve
the problem via a plugin or preferrably via the core ASAP.
Best Regards
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/43305#comment:8>
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