[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #47798: WP Events Dashboard widget could be improved for multi-days events
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Tue Jan 21 23:35:10 UTC 2020
#47798: WP Events Dashboard widget could be improved for multi-days events
Reporter: imath | Owner: desrosj
Type: enhancement | Status: assigned
Priority: normal | Milestone: 5.4
Component: Administration | Version: 4.8
Severity: normal | Resolution:
Keywords: has-patch early needs-testing | Focuses: ui
Comment (by SergeyBiryukov):
In: [attachment:"47798.2.diff"]:
* Adjust translator comments for consistency with the rest of core.
* Add translator comments and context for `F`, `j`, `Y` strings, for
consistency with [source:tags/5.3.2/src/wp-admin/includes/meta-
boxes.php?marks=197-202#L196 post_submit_meta_box()] and a few other
places. I'm not 100% sure these should be translatable, but I guess it
wouldn't hurt.
* Call `wp_maybe_decline_date()` on the resulting date to make sure it's
properly declined in locales that require it. Normally, this would happen
automatically in `date_i18n()`, but here we're constructing the date
string from several pieces, so need to call the function separately.
@audrasjb: Thanks for the review :)
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/47798#comment:27>
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