[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #44669: Privacy Notification doesn't clear after dismissing notification

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Sat Apr 6 09:01:05 UTC 2019

#44669: Privacy Notification doesn't clear after dismissing notification
 Reporter:  ahortin                   |       Owner:  garrett-eclipse
     Type:  defect (bug)              |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  normal                    |   Milestone:  5.2
Component:  Privacy                   |     Version:  4.9.7
 Severity:  normal                    |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  needs-patch needs-design  |     Focuses:

Comment (by garrett-eclipse):

 Hi Everyone, sorry for the delay in updating the ticket here. @pento
 thanks for the initial flag here.

 This issue has come up in the last couple of #core-privacy meetings with
 the following path forward discussed and tentatively agreed upon (further
 input always welcome).

 1. Strip the bubble
 *To expedite this item I've created #46819 and uploaded a patch to remove
 this bubble.
 2. Re-introduce the notice
 3. Isolate the notice to specific sections
 4. Introduce dismissible functionality
 5. Add it to each notice
 6. Introduce auto-restore functionality so when a privacy policy change
 occurs the ‘dismiss’ goes away returning the notice
 *This is a trim downed version of the original -

 Aside from the bubble removal (#46819) and work on dismissible privacy
 notices (this ticket & #44981) there was @karmatosed's thought on a what's
 changed section which reminds me of #44538 that was also discussed in the
 aforementioned #core-privacy meetings.
 - Currently, no clear way of indicating what's actually changed.
 - Core already has diff functionality which can be leveraged
 - Open Question: Should we gather 'all' revisions of the privacy policy
 guide like proper post types or just compare the previous to the current.
 *There's pros and cons to both so feedback welcome either way.
 - Design can be improved now that accordions are part of core
 *Initial mockups of the privacy policy guide used mockups to reduce page
 height but were avoided due to minor restrictions at the time.
 *The accordion approach may also mean splitting up the core policy text
 into more easily digestible and potentially filterable chunks like
 'Comments', 'Cookies' and 'Analytics'.
 Start of Slack Discussion -

 I hope I've covered everything and am just pinging @xkon and @pepe as they
 were part of the discussion as well as @swissspidy as he also flagged the
 bubble issue. If I've overlooked anything please update this ticket.

 All the best

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/44669#comment:26>
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