[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #42387: Trim the Travis CI job matrix even further for older branches

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Tue Oct 31 15:40:54 UTC 2017

#42387: Trim the Travis CI job matrix even further for older branches
 Reporter:  johnbillion       |      Owner:
     Type:  task (blessed)    |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal            |  Milestone:  5.0
Component:  Build/Test Tools  |    Version:
 Severity:  normal            |   Keywords:  needs-patch
  Focuses:                    |
 Previously: #40407

 Older branches generally have the following test matrix pattern for jobs
 on Travis CI (with a reduced number of jobs for very old branches):

 * JS tests
 * Latest PHP version
 * Latest 5.x PHP version
 * Latest 5.x PHP version with object cache
 * PHP 5.2

 The Travis CI build process still takes up too much time during the
 backporting of fixes to older branches. Speeding up (and fixing, see
 #42385) branch test suites means less stress for committers and less risk

 The "Latest 5.x PHP version" job can be removed if there's also a
 corresponding object cache job. The likelihood of a PHP 5.x issue being
 introduced into an older branch which doesn't also affect 5.x with an
 object cache in place is vanishingly small.

 I contemplated removing the PHP 5.2 job too, but I'm undecided.

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/42387>
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