[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #38911: Prevent Media Library search making an AJAX request for each char typed.
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Thu Jan 26 13:41:32 UTC 2017
#38911: Prevent Media Library search making an AJAX request for each char typed.
Reporter: | Owner: adamsilverstein
brandomeniconi | Status: assigned
Type: enhancement | Milestone: 4.8
Priority: normal | Version: 4.6.1
Component: Media | Resolution:
Severity: normal | Focuses: javascript, administration,
Keywords: has-patch | performance
commit |
Comment (by adamsilverstein):
> Minor thing: do we need the separate `debounceSearch` function? Can we
just wrap `search` in `_.debounce()` instead?
Thanks for the feedback @batmoo.
We probably could just wrap `search` with _.debounce. I like adding the
`debouncedSearch`method because its name makes it clear the function is
debounced when you invoke it. Looking thru core for other debounce uses, I
see we do it a bit both ways - sometimes creating a new named function and
sometimes wrapping a function directly. I'll give it a try that way, will
probably make for a smaller diff.
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/38911#comment:18>
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