[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #39837: Random blank spaces appearing at end of lines

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Fri Feb 10 17:04:21 UTC 2017

#39837: Random blank spaces appearing at end of lines
 Reporter:  maliktunga    |      Owner:
     Type:  defect (bug)  |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal        |  Milestone:  Awaiting Review
Component:  Formatting    |    Version:  4.7.2
 Severity:  normal        |   Keywords:
  Focuses:                |
 So far, I have encountered this issue only with the visual editor.

 When I write in the visual editor, it often adds "ghost formatting" that
 makes it so that I get blank spaces a bit everywhere at the end of lines,
 while the next word(s) in the paragraph would totally fit in that blank

 I have no knowledge in technical terms, so I will define those random
 blank spaces as "ghost formatting", since it seems to be integrated in the
 HTML code, yet it's invisible in the HTML editor.

 I can easily find examples from my blog. However I am not sure that I can
 really share the broken HTML code, since in most text boxes the "ghost
 formatting" gets lost in the process...

 This is the broken HTML code:

 La <em>Kompleta Gramatiko</em> adaptis frazi ek verko qua esis obsoleta
 <em>de la komenco</em>! Beaufront adaptis la paragrafo por la nova verbi
 «mixita», ma semblas, ke lu ankore nesavis pri <b>ind</b>... Nam yen ke on
 ja trovis <b>honorinda</b>, <b>ridinda</b> e <b>shaminda</b> en la
 <em>Dictionnaire français-international</em> (1908)!

 This is the fixed HTML code:

 La <em>Kompleta Gramatiko</em> adaptis frazi ek verko qua esis obsoleta
 <em>de la komenco</em>! Beaufront adaptis la paragrafo por la nova verbi
 «mixita», ma semblas, ke lu ankore nesavis pri <b>ind</b>... Nam yen ke on
 ja trovis <b>honorinda</b>, <b>ridinda</b> e <b>shaminda</b> en la
 <em>Dictionnaire français-international</em> (1908)!

 Fixing it is simple: I copy the paragraph, paste it in a text box that
 doesn't support the "ghost formatting" (e.g. Chromium's address bar) then
 copy and paste it back into the HTML editor. Somehow, the blank spaces
 disappear. However, that workaround easily gets tedious since I have to do
 it every time...

 I attached a screenshot that shows how the two codes looks like on my blog
 and in the visual editor.

 I use Chromium 55.0.2883.87 Built on Ubuntu , running on elementary 0.4

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/39837>
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