[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #41536: Text widgets don't show editor anymore, only expand to show delete/close options
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Thu Aug 3 00:21:41 UTC 2017
#41536: Text widgets don't show editor anymore, only expand to show delete/close
Reporter: sseepuri | Owner:
Type: defect (bug) | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: Awaiting Review
Component: Widgets | Version: 4.8
Severity: normal | Resolution:
Keywords: reporter-feedback | Focuses:
Comment (by westonruter):
Replying to [comment:5 sseepuri]:
> @westonruter - I switched to Twenty Seventeen and it got rid of the
errors and the text widget now shows the tinyMCE editor. But the existing
widgets all lost the text that was in the widgets earlier. Also, some of
the sidebars being used in our custom theme became inactive when I
switched to 2017, but when I switched back they're still inactive. Is that
a known behavior?
The widgets assigned to a sidebar are essentially tied to the active
theme. When you switch to a different theme, the widget configuration for
a theme is saved for the old theme so that when you restore the theme the
previous widget configuration is restored. So you should see the widgets
with the text you were expecting placed under Inactive Widgets. This
experience is slated to be improved as part of #39693.
> But I tried the nightly wp release locally and it fixes the issue using
our custom theme (I still see those errors in the dev console, but the
text widget now works fine with the tinyMCE editor). So I guess I'll just
wait for the next release - when is that going out?
The WordPress 4.8.1 release was just pushed out today. I don't think the
changes in this release will resolve the issue you are having, however.
But it would be helpful to confirm on a test environment.
If you can send me your custom theme on WordPress Slack that would help me
to diagnose what is causing the problem. Otherwise, you can email me a ZIP
of the files over email via `temp-trac-wp-core-41536 at xwp.co`.
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/41536#comment:6>
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