[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #39128: Customize: Preview fails to load when domain mapping in use (home/siteurl domain mismatch)
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Thu Apr 20 21:45:22 UTC 2017
#39128: Customize: Preview fails to load when domain mapping in use (home/siteurl
domain mismatch)
Reporter: RomainVB | Owner:
Type: defect (bug) | Status: assigned
Priority: normal | Milestone: 4.7.5
Component: Customize | Version: 4.7
Severity: normal | Resolution:
Keywords: needs-patch | Focuses:
Comment (by jordantrask):
I think I had something weird going on with my testing to the point I was
not getting consistent results.
Right now I have domain.com as the primary domain with a subdomain
site1.domain.com and a mapped domain domain2.com
I'd like to keep site1.domain.com as the administrative URL so that remote
login works (no need to login to each site). Changing the values of home
or siteurl doesn't change the outcome of which is "Non-existent changeset
The only way to get rid of "Non-existent changeset UUID." is to set the
mapped domain as the home and siteurl.
Replying to [comment:67 westonruter]:
> @jordantrask WordPress adds the CSP header itself in
`WP_Customize_Manager:: filter_iframe_security_headers ()`:
> Is the ancestor frame not <https://domain.com>? What is the `src` of the
`iframe` that is being loaded? The workaround plugin is designed to make
the `home` URL and `siteurl` be the same.
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/39128#comment:68>
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