[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #20491: Introduce some JavaScript i18n functions
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Tue Apr 18 22:11:42 UTC 2017
#20491: Introduce some JavaScript i18n functions
Reporter: johnbillion | Owner: swissspidy
Type: enhancement | Status: assigned
Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Release
Component: I18N | Version:
Severity: normal | Resolution:
Keywords: has-patch has-unit-tests | Focuses: javascript, rest-api
Comment (by aduth):
Forgive my joining late in this discussion. In anticipation of the
upcoming dev chat about consolidating future JavaScript efforts, I wanted
to review this ticket and share a few of my own notes and experiences.
In my being oblivious to the existence of this ticket, I'd separately put
together [https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/tree/master/i18n an i18n
solution for the Gutenberg project], but I'm happy to see it aligns almost
identically with what's currently proposed here. Using Jed is an obvious
choice; workflow, integration with GlotPress, and making strings available
in the browser are admittedly harder problems.
Despite having contributed to Calypso's i18n solution, I still find that
the naming consistency here between PHP and JS functions will make for a
nicer transition for developers familiar with the former (I think this is
the "one function to rule them all" argument for `__()` et al.?). So I
don't personally see a reason to change APIs are they're proposed
Reinforcing a few points made earlier:
- I agree with @jdgrimes (comment:53) that making `esc_attr__` functions
available will only encourage poor security practices and I'd suggest they
be excluded.
- I agree with @akirk (comment:55) that supporting latest language
features of JavaScript in string extraction will be easiest using
JavaScript parsers like [https://github.com/babel/babylon Babel's Babylon]
(or [https://github.com/ternjs/acorn Acorn], or
[https://github.com/eslint/espree Espree], or
[https://github.com/jquery/esprima Esprima]), which tend to be well-
maintained and follow closest to the bleeding edge.
Unlike `xgettext-js` which uses a separate CLI process to call to
Babylon's API directly for extracting strings, in Gutenberg I'd opted
instead to explore a
custom Babel plugin] which extracts strings during the same build step as
the application itself. Nothing about this necessitates opting in to
ES2015+ or JSX syntax, but it was a convenient option for us to guarantee
parsing is consistent between string extraction and the build.
I'm curious about the decision to use a separate JSON-formatted export of
strings, versus preparing an object for Jed on the fly. So far it's worked
well enough for us to generate the object from the return value of
see source]). That said, we've been fortunate to disregard handling
multiple domains or distinguishing between strings sourced from PHP vs.
JS, so there may well be other considerations we're overlooking.
In consideration of some of the more recent discussions about browser
support, it might be worth discussing what role the
[http://caniuse.com/#feat=internationalization browser native i18n APIs]
could have on what should be implemented here. For example, do we need
`wp.i18n.numberFormat` if [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
Intl.NumberFormat] is already in scope?
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/20491#comment:65>
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