[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #37439: Why is "input_attrs" attribute not used in Customizer checkbox, radio, select, textarea controls?
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Tue Apr 11 20:40:57 UTC 2017
#37439: Why is "input_attrs" attribute not used in Customizer checkbox, radio,
select, textarea controls?
Reporter: Collizo4sky | Owner:
Type: enhancement | Status: closed
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Customize | Version: 4.6
Severity: normal | Resolution: maybelater
Keywords: | Focuses: ui
Comment (by jrobertblack):
Replying to [comment:18 westonruter]:
> @jrobertblack what is your use case? Can you elaborate? Share your
existing code?
I am trying to set up columns on some parts. I was just putting the ids in
css file and make the columns that way, but it took too long and adding
new ones was a pain.. With hundreds of settings its very useful to have
target groups for styling. If you have padding or some smaller settings,
breaking those little numbers up into 4 or 3 columns makes it much easier
to read and use.
I was searching again for class options and found this "input_attrs"
settings and was excited I could add in classes. Although I have to use
jquery to add another class two parents up, it worked fine. I also could
insert "px" text after a bunch of number entries so the user knew it was
in px and they didnt need to add it.
I added this to the main file.
'input_attrs' => array( 'class' => 'ev-px ev-third' ),
then I used the "customize_controls_print_scripts" to load a js file with
this in it.
jQuery( ".ev-px" ).parent().append( "px" )
jQuery( ".ev-third" ).parent().parent().addClass( "ev-third-
trigger" );
then I used the "customize_controls_print_styles" to load a css file with
this in it.
.customize-control .ev-px {
width: calc(100% - 22px) !important;
.customize-control .ev-third-trigger {
width: 30% ;
float: left ;
clear: none ;
margin-right: 3% ;
It all works great for the text boxes, but when I tried it on the selects
and others it sadly didnt work. right now im half using this way and half
targeting id on the other half.
Obviously I would like to add a class to the main li container of each
entry so I would not have use js, I could even add the "px" using css
:after instead of the js append, but either way I would be happy.
Am i missing another setting to set classes, I really surprised i cant do
this. My customizer.css file is 1500 lines long now with you classes!
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/37439#comment:19>
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