[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #37265: underscorejs Escaping Issues
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Tue Jul 5 18:41:22 UTC 2016
#37265: underscorejs Escaping Issues
Reporter: casben79 | Owner:
Type: defect (bug) | Status: closed
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: General | Version: 4.5.3
Severity: normal | Resolution: invalid
Keywords: | Focuses:
Changes (by adamsilverstein):
* status: new => closed
* resolution: => invalid
* milestone: Awaiting Review =>
Hello @casben79 thanks for the bug report. I don't think this is a
WordPress core issue, and this trac is for reporting bugs in WordPress
I think you are using `{{{` incorrectly, this is for unescaped output. if
you want to run raw JS, i think you want <% %> for straight underscore (or
are you using `wp.template`?).
Closing this ticket as invalid, feel free to hit me up in Slack and I may
be able to help you troubleshoot.
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/37265#comment:1>
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