[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #33755: Add Site Logo to WordPress Core
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Wed Feb 24 20:55:16 UTC 2016
#33755: Add Site Logo to WordPress Core
Reporter: fatmedia | Owner: obenland
Type: feature request | Status: assigned
Priority: normal | Milestone: 4.5
Component: Customize | Version: trunk
Severity: normal | Resolution:
Keywords: ux-feedback has-patch needs-testing | Focuses: ui
needs-unit-tests has-screenshots |
Comment (by mikeschroder):
After talking with @westonruter, thinking we should, after a discussion
during dev chat, land [attachment:33755.13.diff] as a first run, while
still considering and talking through changes in implementation here, for
iteration during beta.
Given @helen and @mor10's great comments on
[https://make.wordpress.org/core/2016/02/24/theme-logo-support/ the make
post], I think it we should continue to user test and prepare another
post, likely as part of the field guide, explaining to theme authors our
specific intent with the feature.
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/33755#comment:109>
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