[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #35624: Use of get_comment() function shows Notice
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Fri Feb 5 19:16:32 UTC 2016
#35624: Use of get_comment() function shows Notice
Reporter: WisdmLabs | Owner:
Type: defect (bug) | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 4.4.3
Component: Comments | Version: 4.4
Severity: normal | Resolution:
Keywords: has-patch | Focuses:
Comment (by d4z_c0nf):
Replying to [comment:8 boonebgorges]:
> Replying to [comment:7 d4z_c0nf]:
> > Thanks @boonebgorges I see what you mean.
> > So this way, when a {{{$replytoid}}} exists, you overwrite (well you
set it) the global {{{$comment}}}.
> > Isn't this a little weird? I mean a function which should just return
a string also changes a global variable?
> >
> > I still think that since you already have the comment id
({{{$replytoid}}}) there's no sense to retrieve it again with
{{{get_comment_ID()}}}. But most likely there's something I don't know ;)
> >
> > Thanks for looking into it. :)
> I agree that this is not elegant software design (or, at least, it's not
very transparent). But I assume that it was originally a conscious choice
to overload the global here, so that template tags would be usable when
rendering the rest of the form.
> Your suggested fix for `comment_form_title()` would fix
`comment_form_title()`, but wouldn't address any of the other uses of
comment-template.php functions within the context of a comment reply form,
such as the one (`get_comment_author_email_link()`) that prompted this
ticket to be opened in the first place. By restoring the previous behavior
- ie setting the global - we solve all of the problems at once.
Yeah you're absolutely right about the template tags thing.
My .. "I still think.." was just referring to that other point (in
addition) => not using {{{get_comment_ID()}}} when you already have the
ID. But I suppose it could make sense too because of the filter hook.
Thanks for your time :)
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/35624#comment:9>
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