[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #28507: Secure oEmbeds
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Fri Aug 26 11:58:40 UTC 2016
#28507: Secure oEmbeds
Reporter: johnbillion | Owner: johnbillion
Type: task (blessed) | Status: accepted
Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Release
Component: Embeds | Version:
Severity: normal | Resolution:
Keywords: ongoing https | Focuses:
Description changed by johnbillion:
Old description:
> We need to audit our oEmbed providers and determine:
> * Which ones don't support embedding an `https` URL
> * Which ones don't support embedding content over SSL
> If we have providers in core which do not support embedding content over
> SSL then we (or the WP.com team) should make contact and see if they're
> open to implementing it. This is pretty much a prerequisite for #28249 as
> it stands.
> ----
> Problem providers:
> ||=Provider=||=Core supports HTTPS URL=||=Endpoint recognises HTTPS
> URL=||=Embed supports HTTPS=||=Notes=||
> ||hulu.com||Yes||[http://www.hulu.com/api/oembed.json?url=https://www.hulu.com/watch/647281
> Yes]||'''No'''||Invalid SSL certificate (points to Akamai)||
> ||photobucket.com||'''No'''||[http://photobucket.com/oembed?url=https://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa117/vchartman/weather/bearintherain-1.gif
> Yes]||'''No'''||Site doesn't resolve over HTTPS||
> ||poll.fm||Yes||[https://polldaddy.com/oembed/?url=https://poll.fm/4tzp6
> Yes]||Yes||Invalid SSL certificate (points to polldaddy.com)||
> Recently fixed providers:
> * '''flic.kr''' - HTTPS everywhere. Regex corrected in r28834.
> * '''slideshare.net''' - HTTPS embeds since r28834.
> * '''wordpress.tv''' - HTTPS embeds for HTTPS URLs.
> * '''meetup.com''' and '''meetu.ps'''- HTTPS embeds for HTTPS URLs.
> * '''instagram.com''' - HTTPS everywhere since r31710.
> * '''instagr.am''' - HTTPS URLs are now supported.
> * '''dailymotion.com''' - Uses the HTTPS oEmbed endpoint since r34587.
> * '''dai.ly''' - Cert is now valid for the dai.ly domain.
> * '''smugmug.com''' - Embeds now use HTTPS by default.
> * '''funnyordie.com''' - Embeds are now protocol-relative and cert is
> now valid.
> * '''imgur.com''' - Embeds are now protocol-relative.
> * '''collegehumor.com''' - HTTPS embeds for HTTPS URLs.
> * '''animoto.com''' and '''video214.com''' - Embeds now use HTTPS by
> default. See also r34588.
> * '''kck.st''' - Cert is now valid for the kck.st domain.
> Ok providers:
> * '''youtube.com''' and '''youtu.be''' - HTTPS embeds via the
> `scheme=https` parameter.
> * '''vimeo.com''' - Embeds are protocol-relative.
> * '''flickr.com''' - HTTPS everywhere (same for flic.kr).
> * '''polldaddy.com''' - Embeds are served over HTTPS if the parent
> container uses HTTPS. Effectively protocol-relative via JavaScript.
> * '''twitter.com''' - HTTPS everywhere.
> * '''soundcloud.com''' - HTTPS everywhere. (Minor note: their oEmbed
> response includes an `http` URL for the thumbnail on their CDN, but it
> resolves over `https` if you change it.)
> * '''rdio.com''' and '''rd.io''' - HTTPS embeds by default.
> * '''spotify.com''' - HTTPS everywhere.
> * '''issuu.com''' - Embeds are served over HTTPS if the parent container
> uses HTTPS. Effectively protocol-relative via JavaScript.
> * '''mixcloud.com''' - Embeds are protocol-relative.
> * '''tumblr.com''' - Embeds are partly HTTPS and partly protocol-
> relative.
> * '''vine.co''' - HTTPS everywhere.
> * '''scribd.com''' - HTTPS embeds by default.
> * '''ted.com''' - HTTPS embeds for HTTPS URLs.
> * '''videopress.com''' - HTTPS embeds for HTTPS URLs.
> * '''reverbnation.com''' - HTTPS embeds by default.
> * '''speakerdeck.com''' - Embeds are protocol-relative.
New description:
We need to audit our oEmbed providers and determine:
* Which ones don't support embedding an `https` URL
* Which ones don't support embedding content over SSL
If we have providers in core which do not support embedding content over
SSL then we (or the WP.com team) should make contact and see if they're
open to implementing it. This is pretty much a prerequisite for #28249 as
it stands.
Problem providers:
||=Provider=||=Core supports HTTPS URL=||=Endpoint recognises HTTPS
URL=||=Embed supports HTTPS=||=Notes=||
Yes]||'''No'''||Invalid SSL certificate (points to Akamai)||
Yes]||'''No'''||Site doesn't resolve over HTTPS||
Yes]||Yes||Invalid SSL certificate (points to polldaddy.com)||
Recently fixed providers:
* '''flic.kr''' - HTTPS everywhere. Regex corrected in r28834.
* '''slideshare.net''' - HTTPS embeds since r28834.
* '''wordpress.tv''' - HTTPS embeds for HTTPS URLs.
* '''meetup.com''' and '''meetu.ps'''- HTTPS embeds for HTTPS URLs.
* '''instagram.com''' - HTTPS everywhere since r31710.
* '''instagr.am''' - HTTPS URLs are now supported.
* '''dailymotion.com''' - Uses the HTTPS oEmbed endpoint since r34587.
* '''dai.ly''' - Cert is now valid for the dai.ly domain.
* '''smugmug.com''' - Embeds now use HTTPS by default.
* '''funnyordie.com''' - Embeds are now protocol-relative and cert is now
* '''imgur.com''' - Embeds are now protocol-relative.
* '''collegehumor.com''' - HTTPS embeds for HTTPS URLs.
* '''animoto.com''' and '''video214.com''' - Embeds now use HTTPS by
default. See also r34588.
* '''kck.st''' - Cert is now valid for the kck.st domain.
Ok providers:
* '''youtube.com''' and '''youtu.be''' - HTTPS everywhere.
* '''vimeo.com''' - Embeds are protocol-relative.
* '''flickr.com''' - HTTPS everywhere (same for flic.kr).
* '''polldaddy.com''' - Embeds are served over HTTPS if the parent
container uses HTTPS. Effectively protocol-relative via JavaScript.
* '''twitter.com''' - HTTPS everywhere.
* '''soundcloud.com''' - HTTPS everywhere. (Minor note: their oEmbed
response includes an `http` URL for the thumbnail on their CDN, but it
resolves over `https` if you change it.)
* '''rdio.com''' and '''rd.io''' - HTTPS embeds by default.
* '''spotify.com''' - HTTPS everywhere.
* '''issuu.com''' - Embeds are served over HTTPS if the parent container
uses HTTPS. Effectively protocol-relative via JavaScript.
* '''mixcloud.com''' - Embeds are protocol-relative.
* '''tumblr.com''' - Embeds are partly HTTPS and partly protocol-
* '''vine.co''' - HTTPS everywhere.
* '''scribd.com''' - HTTPS embeds by default.
* '''ted.com''' - HTTPS embeds for HTTPS URLs.
* '''videopress.com''' - HTTPS embeds for HTTPS URLs.
* '''reverbnation.com''' - HTTPS embeds by default.
* '''speakerdeck.com''' - Embeds are protocol-relative.
* '''facebook.com''' - HTTPS everywhere.
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/28507#comment:74>
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