[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #31696: Select2 integration in core
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Thu Mar 19 16:47:17 UTC 2015
#31696: Select2 integration in core
Reporter: section214 | Owner:
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: Awaiting Review
Component: Administration | Version: trunk
Severity: normal | Keywords:
Focuses: ui, javascript, administration |
I know this has been brought up before, but can't find the original
ticket. That said, a few months ago Helen brought up a potential
integration of the Select2 library but, due to licensing issues, we were
unable to proceed with it at the time
([https://github.com/select2/select2/issues/2468 GH issue]). The licensing
issue has now been resolved and, since I've been unable to find the
original ticket, I'm opening a new one along with a preliminary patch to
add Select2 to core.
At the moment, this patch is based on a new CSS class (select2) being
added to any select field that should implement the Select2 library. I've
added it to the select fields on the Settings->General page as an example,
but didn't want to implement it system-wide until the community had a
chance to speak up RE: where does/doesn't Select2 belong, or should it
actually be implemented everywhere. The language and timezone fields
seemed an obvious choice given their inherent size, but things like the
emoji field under Settings->Reading that have a finite number of options
seem less obvious.
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/31696>
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