[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #14530: "Cheatin', uh?" is not helpful feedback for users or developers

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Thu Jan 15 03:23:15 UTC 2015

#14530: "Cheatin', uh?" is not helpful feedback for users or developers
 Reporter:  shidouhikari     |       Owner:
     Type:  enhancement      |      Status:  reopened
 Priority:  normal           |   Milestone:  4.2
Component:  Role/Capability  |     Version:
 Severity:  normal           |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  needs-patch      |     Focuses:  ui

Comment (by ericlewis):

 Replying to [comment:38 jorbin]:
 > "Cheatin', uh?" to me, is a core part of the flavor of WordPress.  I
 wouldn't want to lose it and become a stuffy corporate application.

 If we want to sustain the flavor, let's insert a cheeky "something's
 messed up" image. As guidod notes, this is often a user-facing error, so
 surfacing a helpful error message can help users solve a capability issue
 - e.g. "oh, this tells us Jenn doesn't have the capability
 `edit_theme_options`. Let's elevate her role to Administrator."

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/14530#comment:41>
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