[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #30945: WP_Upgrader: Incorrect plugin folder after updating from remote (non-WP) URL
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Thu Jan 8 03:33:43 UTC 2015
#30945: WP_Upgrader: Incorrect plugin folder after updating from remote (non-WP)
Reporter: miyarakira | Owner:
Type: defect (bug) | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: Awaiting Review
Component: Plugins | Version: 4.1
Severity: normal | Resolution:
Keywords: reporter-feedback | Focuses:
Comment (by miyarakira):
> The folder name in the ZIP is invalid, the files are stored as
`../readme.txt` instead of `plugin-slug/readme.txt`, which you can check
on the command line with `unzip -l file.zip`, so the `../` is being
striped during decompression.
Aah, I see. I didn't know a way to inspect the structure of the zip file,
so was only seeing the result after decompression.
During the plugin build, I'm using Gulp to zip everything and I'm limited
as to the parameters I can pass to the zip process: the first format (no
base folder) or second format specifying the base folder (`my-plugin/`).
Apparently the latter is not working as I expected. In both cases though,
I can decompress them and the result is the same: all files in a base
folder with the correct slug. So it would be helpful if WordPress could
accommodate one or the other format.
> Originally there's a reason why it respects the foldername in the zip
archive, it was originally designed that if you'd installed a plugin in
`plugins/some-fancy-plugin-slug`, but it was `plugin-slug` on
WordPress.org, that it would remove `plugins/some-fancy-plugin-slug` and
instead put it into `plugins/plugin-slug`.
> Switching it to use the existing directory, when it's going to use a
temporary folders filename during update seems like a valid solution
That makes sense - it seems logical that before and after an update, the
plugin should stay in the same folder. So perhaps a better patch would be
to store the name of the original plugin directory, then when the
temporary folder is being moved back, to restore its name?
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/30945#comment:8>
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